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Angry Man Software is a software development and consulting company based in Sydney, Australia.

Our current focus is on application development and knowledge management solutions. In particular MOSS (Microsoft Office SharePoint Server) application development and desktop application development, although we also provide consulting services in broader fields including knowledge management, numerical analysis and computer simulations.

Why "Angry Man"?

How often have you come across the situation where a piece of software, which invariably represents a substantial investment on the part of your company, doesn't do the job? Or only does 80% of the job? Does that make you angry? We found it frustrating - that's why we founded Angry Man Software. (we cater for Angry Women too - but "Angry Person Software" just didn't sound right).

In other words, Angry Man Software was formed to cater for those occasions when you find yourself saying: "Surely someone else has this problem? We can't be the only ones!"

Software development at Angry Man Software operates in one of two modes: if you have a pressing need, and that need fits into the category of "We can't be the only ones to have this need", then development can proceed in partnership with you, at a substantially reduced rate, and you can be sure that the commercial product that results will fit your needs exactly. Angry Man Software retains rights to the software, but you own a royalty-free, perpetual right-to-use the software in your business operations

If your need is truly unique and unlikely to result in a commercial product, we will partner with you to create your solution at normal rates, and you retain all intellectual property rights over the product.

If you have a need that doesn't necessarily require software development, feel free to get in touch - we are happy to discuss your needs and help if we can.

As the old adage (almost) says - "don't come to me with a solution, come to me with a problem"